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Fitness is a thing that is hard for me or is challenging for me. I am a person that likes to play sport but fitness is not my type. Fitness is more painful than playing sport. I have no fun at all, but this semester I decided to join a fitness class. While learning in this class, it was so challenging. I did a lot of workouts and be able to have acquired to A. It is hard and suffering while in this class but it was fun and I enjoy it. 


Learning Outcome


- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Tennis is a sport that I play since I was young. From what I remember I started playing tennis when I was 7 but I quit it because I really got no time and I want to focus more on learning. But I get a chance to play it again and it was fun. I didn't touch the racket for so long but when I play it I feel like it is already in my blood. I can play good but the ball keeps on going outside of the court, which is really bad. I just need more time to practice and maybe I can be able to play well like before. On that day I didn't expect to go play tennis. That day so I wasn't ready that much, as you can see from what I am wearing. But it is still fun for me. 

Learning Outcome

- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth



Dancing is one of my favorite hobby but eventually, I feel like I don't really have confidence in this hobby. But in this show I have prove myself to everyone see it. In the video I dance for a International day performance. It is a really fun and challenging for me, because some of the dance moves are really hard and need some times to practice, but the result that I see from this performance was satisfied. And in this performance it give me the chance to know someone else and became close to them.

Learning Outcome

- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

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