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Drawing CAS project Instagram page

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For many years in high school, I found myself what I like and what I am capable of and which is drawing. I believe that in the future I will like to have a job that includes creativity and drawing. I start to make this Instagram page with the intention of showing my artwork. I start posting the first post on June 21, 2020, until now I still continue posting it. On this Instagram page, it will only include my drawing and artwork only where it shows a different type of drawing, for example, landscape, drawing, watercolors, and interior design.


I start to draw seriously when I was in grade 10 and at that time I finally found what I really wanted to do. I start off drawing with a pencil which it's called EE. It is the darkest pencil out of all the pencils, we will use that pencil for all the drawing work. In one picture we will need to have three shadings which are lights, moderate and dark. If the picture contains these three types of shading the result of the drawing will be complete and consider a pretty shading drawing. For interior design drawing, it is a new different thing for me. I start drawing an interior picture when I was in grade 11 and it is totally different from EE drawing because interior drawing need to use watercolor, which I am not capable with it yet. And these drawings need to use a lot of effort and time when doing it, you can't make it done in like an hour, it needs at least 3 hours time for it.

The things that I need to use and buy are an EE pencil, A2 paper, eraser, colors, brush, and ruler. These are the equipment that uses for this CAS project. When I have this equipment already I can start drawing anytime. After I have done with the drawing I will post it in my Instagram page right away.


EE drawing

Start off with sketches out the outline of the object that I want to draw. After that use the EE by covering the paper with the lightest color, it is a way to make the drawing done faster in good quilty. Start to focus on the detail and use the three types of shading in the drawing object, to make the drawing become more 3D and realistic.


Interior design drawing

This drawing is not the same as the EE drawing style, it is totally different from it. This interior design is the design that I came up with by myself. Firstly, to be able to design a room I have to look up the inspiration or an example of it. To be able to start with the drawing the first thing that I need to do is the concept of the room or this work. And the concept is the hardest part of the interior design drawing. After being able to come up with a concept the next things that I need to do are plan. The plan is the top perspective view that we can see everything from the top view, some of the objects have their own symbol, For example, a door to show how it's open and where it will be if it's open while drawing the plan I have to use a scale ruler to be able to measure the object and it is the most important thing out of all thing. After done designing the plan I will be drawing the elevation of the room and the object, mostly the elevation will only be on two sides of the room and it shows how tall the object will be in the room. Even elevation also needs to use a scale ruler to measure the objects. After done with elevation I will start with the perspective which is a 3D picture that shows the real result of the room. and when everything is complete I have to use another pen to draw it again. And then I have to put the colors on my drawing to make it more realistic. The color that I put does not just plan colors it has to be color gradation and add some shadow in the drawing and then the picture complete and ready to post on my Instagram page.


After I completed this project I notice that just one work of art took longer than I thought, especially interior design drawing that took more time than EE drawing because interior design is drawing that I came up with my own idea. It took a lot of time to research for one room because every object needs to research. And it needs to use a lot of effort in doing one work. But every time I have done the work, I am satisfied with the result it is turned out.


From this project, I have accomplished something that I wanted to do for so long. I learn that things that use the time to do it, will achieve better results. And if you have a passion for doing something that you like, will easily achieve it. And I learn how to design an interior design room by myself, and it shows the signature of that room that it is from what I think.

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