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K9 trips were the first trips that I went to a sleepover with my friends and we did a lot of helpful work even though, it is challenging for me. I feel happy that I went on this trip because I get to support the stray dogs, and spend some time with them. Some dogs need love and I can see that they are happy when we were visiting them in the shelter. I help the shelter by cutting the trees and digging the soil. Cutting the trees was really challenging for me because it is so hot and the throne is hurting me, but overall was fun and it is was a good experience. We donate the money to the shelter and it really make me feel good that I am a part of that to help the stray dog.  And I feel like I get to connect with my friend more than before because I stay with them for more than 24 hours, which is more than the school time. 

Learning Outcome


- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


Football Afterschool


I have been helping Mr. Mark with afterschool football. It was so fun coming to help this afterschool class because I get to interact with the kids. I get to make a conversation with kids that I don't know. Sometimes I help Mr. Mark by showing them what to do. And the tiring part of this is when we have to collect the balls that are on the ground, but it was fun anyway because I feel great helping Mr. Mark with his afterschool class.

Learning Outcome

-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

International day smoothies drink


This is my first time making a smoothies drink and sells it in my school. There were only two menus for the smoothies which are watermelon and lychee. It was so hard to do it at first because there was a lot of order, and sometimes the ice is finished so some people have to run and buy it in the store next to our school. While making the smoothies everything was so sticky because of the syrup. I get a chance to become closer to my friend that I don't really talk with because doing an activity will make your relationship with your friend become closer without doing anything. And the money that we got from selling this will be in the shelter which makes me wanna sell the smoothies drinks more

Learning Outcome

-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

-Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

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