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I started learning drawing since I was 7 years old. I learned for about 2-3 years. During those years, I went to a competition where I have to compete with many competitors. I feel like I have to push myself to get the reward I deserved but I didn't which is okay because I got third place in that competition and I was super happy. As years passed by, I stopped learning my drawing class due to my work in the school which I felt horrible quitting it. Moreover, as I grew up, it is time to choose my major for my university and I am interested in interior architecture which causes me to attend a drawing class once again. Everything is like a Deja Vu to me and I'm glad that I am back here learning my favorite class. Right now, I am very passionate about my artworks as you can see on the example I put here. In the future, I believe that I would be able to achieve my goal of attending the major that I really want. 



Learning outcome

-  Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

-  Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Design school mascot


This is the first time, I have been doing this, and it is a good experience doing it. I have been working with new people, for example, Patch grade 12 that I don't really know her, but after working together I get to know her more. First, I thought that it is hard to do it, but when I start doing it, it is not really hard. And I am proud of the result that is turnout. And I hope that I can continue this kind of project again. This project need to use a lot of creative mind and I am great to be one of the members that design this mastoc. In my life I believe that I creative mind will be a parts of my life one day.


Learning outcome

-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


I have been learning piano since I was young, about 6 years old until now I still learn it. When I first started I don't really care about it that much, sometimes I go late for about 30 minutes and don't really care. I thought that it is boring to play the piano. But when I start to grow up more I realized I like the piano and start to focus more on the piano. I start to be more serious and go take a piano test for the first time which is grade 3, that I have been so nervous but after a hard time I pass the test and I continue doing it (grades 3-6). Now I am about to do grade 7 which takes me more than a year to practice, but I believe that the result will be good. Music is beautiful in there own way, we can express feel through music or piano that we play through our fingers.

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Learning outcome

- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

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